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Following her diagnosis at 9 months old, she has really developed well despite the disease. She has learned to sit, crawl, stand, and climb in a short amount of time. A very active baby who keeps everyone on their toes! Like any child, she is into everything and spends time testing out her new teeth.


Ellorie is fond of music. She is mesmerized by the music therapist at the hospital. She will sit, smile, and bounce whenever someone begins singing. She gets excited to strum the guitar, beat on the lollipop drum, or pound on the piano.


She has several groups that she is a part of. Amma is where she’s met many of her boyfriends throughout her 3 classes. She plays with others in the Lakeville Mom’s group that Kari is a part of. Story time at the Lakeville Library is one of her monthly favorites.


We are so thankful to be by her side through this. It’s important to us to witness and experience all of her milestones as she grows into young child.

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